How to do more with text in the ECC

June 8, 2023 @ 1PM ET
Duration: 1 hour, including Q&A
Available Live and on Replay

Text-to-911 is discussed often in the emergency communications industry...but what about text-from-911? And how to best use text-to and text-from? And the best ways to leverage text in the ECC?

Join a panel of top industry experts as they discuss:

  • How to combine the power of text-to and "text-from-911"
  • How to effectively leverage text language translation in your community
  • Innovative texting use cases

...and much, much more.


Josh Keeler, Marketing Lead, Prepared

Panel Participants:

Roxy VanGundy, Director, Lyon County ECC

Kevin Lessard, Executive Director, Northern Middlesex Regional Emergency Communications Center

The session will include audience Q&A, interactive polls, and a prize giveaway! Please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing you.

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